Wow. It's hard to believe how fast time flies here. What seems like just a couple of days in my head turns out to be a week in reality. My time here has really just passed by! Luckily I still have some valuable time left to explore and continue my fun internship here at MEDASSET!
Going back... On November 22, I had my last day of counting (well the majority of my major counting done). It was a relief to get that all over with and to be able to start on another exciting project. The project that Konstantina and I decided upon was a project dealing with the International Volunteer Day on December 5th. This year (2011) is the International Year of Volunteers so we thought it appropriate that a volunteer come up with an event for that day. So my task started with coming up with ideas for events or activities that could happen on the 5th. It was actually really difficult to come up with ideas that combined sea turtles and volunteers into one. In the end I came up with actually a few ideas that won't necessarily work for this specific day, but that MEDASSET can use in the future! I'm glad I could help in that way at least! I'll let you know what was actually decided upon shortly.
The next day, the 23rd, I had a mission before work. Though my parents had given me that lovely bouquet of flowers for my birthday, none of us had thought of the beautiful yellow/orange stains that the pollen from those flowers (lilies) can give your clothes. So I was on a mission to go to the laundromat and ask if they could get the stains out. I was told that they open at 9am too. So, when I arrived promptly at 9:30am at the laundromat and saw a line outside, I was slightly confused. But I just joined in the line, assuming that it was for the laundromat. But, I was wrong, which I soon realized as I looked at the line. The line was full of immigrant men. So I pretended to be on the phone and walked over to a cafe across the way and asked if they knew what the line was for. A woman kindly informed me that the men are all from Pakistan (I think) and are in line for food. That meant that I could go to the laundromat. So I did and dropped of my clothes, to pick them up after work! On the way out of the laundromat I did almost get run over by a big truck though, as I couldn't see up the road, and the sidewalk was full of men in line for food. But, I'm still alive and in one piece.
After work and picking up my laundry I decided to go to the movies. Eleanna had shown me a website with a list of movie theaters in the area and what movies they are showing. So I went to a very nice movie theater (close-by) that was truly beautiful (it's an old converted theater) and saw The Ides of March, with George Clooney and Ryan Gosling. It actually was a very good movie, and I stayed awake and followed all of it, even though the movie started 10:30pm. But the strangest thing happened during the movie... About halfway through, the film got all grainy and what not (like the film was a really old one and not working). This worried me, until the screen said: "Intermission." That was very strange for me, as that is not a normal practice in the US to stop halfway through the movie for an "Intermission."

This is a poster I saw in movie theater... It's for a movie called Anonymous and it's all about Shakespeare and who he may or may not have been. It actually looks really good!
The next day (November 24) was Thanksgiving. This day was really strange for me, because it wasn't like I was going to be spending it with my family or even spend it eating turkey... For those of you who don't know, Europe (that means Greece) doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. So I had to find my own way to celebrate (I even had my internship during the day... Something that would not happen in the US as everyone has the day off.) So I did a couple things to celebrate. When the Macy's Day Parade started (9am in New York which was 4pm here) I watched it on my laptop while I was working. Konstantina was fine with this as long as I showed her all of the best floats... Which I did. It was actually kind-of fun! I even started a new tradition, considering I don't normally watch the Macy's Day Parade at home. When dinner time rolled around, I decided that I would go out for dinner rather than cook something at home. I knew that I wasn't going to find any turkey, so I made sure that I didn't have my heart set on that... Instead I went out and had the next best thing... SUSHI! It was actually surprisingly very good. I made sure that I thought about what I am thankful for. I am thankful for all that I have: My loving family, terrific friends, amazing opportunities, and good health (among other things). So it was a relatively normal day for me, with just some special activities...
The next day Konstantina gave me the new assignment for December 5th. After discussing them, they liked many of my ideas, but because December 5th is a Monday (kids are in school) and it is winter, some of my ideas are better for a different time during the year, so they will be used then. But there were two ideas that we were going to pursue for the 5th. One is taking a wall that is (relatively) central that lots of people walk by, and getting some graffiti artists to paint a wall with a mural of volunteers and sea turtles, showing their importance. The other was putting a box in Syntagma Square (the main square), where it was clearly visible and having there be a projector inside this box projecting images to the back of sea turtles and volunteers and what not. This box was going to be a little taller than your average human and would have one place for someone's eye. When they looked in, that person would see the pictures and hopefully take away the importance of sea turtles and volunteers in the world. So my days (Friday and Monday) have been spent looking up Greek graffiti artists (their contact information and works) as well as writing up the two different proposals.
This weekend (the 26 and 27) was a relatively busy, yet relaxing weekend. On Saturday I went out and did some walking and then decided that I should probably write and send my postcards out. I did so many postcards... My hand started to hurt very quickly... And when I went to go mail them I was unaware that the post office closes at 2pm on Saturdays. So, the actual mailing of the postcards didn't happen until Monday. But it was just nice to get out and enjoy the day. Today was also Elina's last day here in Greece. So, at 8pm we met at our usual meeting place (for the last time) and went on the hunt for a nice little taverna for dinner. We found one, where the food was delicious, the atmosphere was very nice and there was live music! I think that Elina had a good send-off!

Last night together...

Our Greek musicians for the night!

We taxied back because Elina was cold. Her flight's early in the morning too, so she was pulling an all-nighter... Fun stuff...
I would've gone to the airport with her, if I didn't have big plans for Sunday. I was going Delphi, an ancient place of worship and where the Oracle was located.
After a little bit of a hassle working with a travel group (I eventually just went with a different company) I eventually found myself on a bus heading down to Delphi. Along the way I gained so much information, not only about the beautiful Delphi that I was going to see but also about Athens, different ruins and other little cities. I learned a lot on the 200km distance between Delphi and Athens! For example, Did you know:
The Temple of the Olympian Zeus used to have 140 columns... Now it has 15.
There are 11 million people that live in Greece...
5 million live in Athens alone.
Cars are allowed into Athens on every other day depending on their license number. Even numbered cars are allowed one day while odd numbered cars are allowed into the city the other day (weekends are not included).
There are four mountains that surround Athens.
Apollo is the Master of the Oracle of Delphi. It used to be Gaia (Mother Earth), Temis (her daughter) and Poseidon.
Many cities had Oracles too, not just Delphi. (Levathia had an Oracle too - Zeus was the Master there.)
Oracles aren't people, rather places that "pilgrims" can go to ask questions about the future.
The Oracle of Delphi was on Parnassos and was the "place to be."
The Pytheia (the priestesses who sat on 3-legged chairs, chewing bay leaves, above a chasm where they breathed the "Spirit of Apollo") answered the questions about the future that people asked. These priestesses used to be young virgin girls. But these girls had to live in seclusion, so many ran away or just didn't uphold these rules. The Pytheia soon became old women over the ago of 50.
The Oracle used to only be open on the 7th of February (Apollo's supposed birthday). But, the priests soon realized how much wealth they were getting, so the Oracle was soon opened on the 7th of each month with 3 Pytheia rather than just one.
Those are just some of the cool facts that I learned while I was on the bus to Delphi. I also took some pictures of the beautiful scenery.

This is a small town called Arakhova, which is close to Delphi and has the typical red-tiled roofs.
When we finally arrived in Delphi (after taking a break along the way for coffee/bathrooms), we started by going through the Delphi museum. The Delphi museum was beautiful and showed lots of insights into the beautiful artifacts and items that were in the different temples and treasuries that are on the path up to the actual place of the Oracle. While touring around the museum I made a new friend named Zena from New Zealand, who was there all by herself too and we started talking. Unfortunately she's only in Greece for two more days, but we will try to spend more time together before she departs... Also, here are some artifacts that I thought were notable:

The 3-legged chair that the Pytheia would sit on, smelling the "Spirit of Apollo."

The ancient Sphinx that used to be on top of a tall Ionic column close to the beginning of the pathway up to the Oracle.

One of the rare pieces that would appear instead of the Ionic columns at the front of a treasury. This meant that the treasury owner was very rich.

A bronze/silver/gold plated bull that was an offering in one of the treasuries.

Two of three ivory sculptures found (third is below) with gold jewelry. The one with the visible face is Artemis.

This is the third ivory sculpture found. This one is of Apollo, so it is a little bit more lavish in its decorations than the other ones.

A Corinthian column of dancers.

Delphi was supposedly the "navel" of the Earth, so here is the stone in Ancient Greek mythology that Zeus petrified to show that Delphi was the center.

The famous charioteer statue made in bronze with onyx eyes.
After we finished in the museum we began the climb up the pathway to where the ruins for the Oracle were. We started by walking by this ruined temple and then saw the many treasuries and different temples on the way up.

This is one of the many rocks that is inscribed with Ancient Greek saying what the pilgrim that was coming to the temple gave in offering for their future. The pilgrims had to pay for a professional to do this as well...

The view of the surrounding area as we walked up.

This stone is carved with many Greek names. These are the names of slaves who were let free.

This is the altar where the (animal) sacrifices would happen before someone could ask the Oracle his/her question.

This is the actual place where the Pytheia were and would give the futures of the askers.
After reaching the actual Temple of Delphi we were then given some time to walk around ourselves. Zena and I decided to climb up to the theater and stadium that are up a bit of a climb past the Oracle. Both of these ruins are of the Roman style, so you will see some slight differences in the style.

The Theater

The Stadium

Theater again

Zena and I

The beautiful Oracle

The pilgrims' pathway (partially)

Where we walked to after climbing up to the Stadium. This is the spring of what used to be a stream where all pilgrims had to cleanse themselves before going to see the Oracle. The water is truly very refreshing.
After we drank from the spring, we headed back to the bus, had a nice lunch at the Amalia Hotel in the city of Delphi (which was at one point sitting over the ruins, but during the French excavation they moved it to its current location) we headed back to Athens via Arakhova. When we arrived in Arakhova we were allowed to get out and look around for a bit, so Zena and I walked around with our two new friends that we had made up on Delphi, KJ and Roman (both from Australia).

Those are all olive trees!

The cute houses of Arakhova

KJ and Roman... Being silly.

Zena and Arakhova
After arriving back in Athens at Syntagma Square, Zena and I thought it would be fun to go out for dinner (KJ and Roman had other plans). So, since Zena didn't really know the area at all (I gave her some suggestions of where to go the next day while we were on the bus) we decided that we would walk down and around, so I could show around. So we headed off to Monastiraki Square. In the end, we found a very nice taverna that was FILLED with Greeks, all talking loudly and dancing to the live music. It was so fun!

Zena's first glass of Ouzo ever! :)
After dinner we parted ways, as she was going to get up early and have a full day of sightseeing, and I had work.
The next day (Monday) was a relatively uneventful workday as there were only three of us in the office, myself included. Lily and Kostis had left for a conference in Strasbourg on Sunday and the others were sick or had other things preventing them from coming into work. After work I met Zena at the corner of Syntagma and Square, where we decided what we wanted to do. She had yet to be to a typical Greek bakery, so I took her up to the bakery up near where I live. After we stopped at the post office (so I could mail my postcards) and then walked down to find a nice taverna to eat in. Eventually we went to Plaka and went up to the street where I had my first meal and took a picture there, because the setting really is so beautiful (also, on one of my postcards there is a picture of this exact place, with someone sitting exactly where I am in the following picture and where I did my first night in Athens).

In the end we ended up going to a cute little restaurant that actually was very deceiving. It said it had "the Most Traditional Greek Food"outside, but those are normally tourist traps. What pulled me in was the fact that they had Taramosalata (made with fish roe), which is something that Zena had never tried. Surprisingly the food was delicious and it truly was like a traditional Greek meal.

After the meal I dropped Zena off at her hostel and then continued home. That night was very fun and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to meet Zena. She is a globe-trotter like me and I can't wait to swap stories with her when we both get the chance.
Then the work week started again, and I've been working on various projects, finding graffiti artists being one of them. This weekend I'm planning on going to Meteora, which is where there are 6 different monasteries that I will visit. I'll be sure to post lots of pictures!